Sunday, April 19, 2015

How This Works....

If you want to taste the essence of why I am writing this "blog" I think it's best for you to start at my first entry, here...

That method would be far more enjoyable than kicking off into my latest words posted in the last few weeks.

Yup. I'd suggest that you read this thing from its internet back to its internet front. From the bottom to the top. In doing so this way you can also pretend you're a Japanese Sumarai reading in the whack way they did.

Yes. Please. Do your thing in a western hemisphere occidental reverse. There's no obligation to read my last "chapter" first, just because I chucked it on the top of the out tray.

While you're at it, bounce into some movies and zoom into the still images. Do them in a post- modern / "no words" / John Berger once met Susan Sontag sort of manner. All the stuff I've popped in is all part of the plot.

There's three main themes running through my writing.

The thick spine and core is me remembering my world as it's unwrapped through travel and time.

Then there's the current and ongoing saga of building an architect designed house in rural Thailand. I've always wanted my own home, a bloke home, a white box home designed by someone who knows what they are doing home. Now I'm getting one.

And lastly there are psychotherapeutic outsplurges that I need to offload - as significant events in Thai history happen. I'm living through the dying throes of one of the world's last monarchies. It is fascinating watching whether it tumbles backward into military rule or evolves forward into a country led by its people for its people. "Living inside it as an outsider" is certainly a different experience; though sometimes upsetting.

Oh and right.... there's one last and large advantage for starting at the beginning, at the bottom of my pile. I'm more likely to have properly written up the ancient posts, edited them and made them easier to read. On the top of the pile there's often just notes, scans, a couple of photos and a splurp of brain dump.

Away you go...


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